The Arrow of Light, the highest award in Cub Scouts and the only one that carries over to a Boy Scout career, is earned by Webelos that have been active participants in their den and are ready to join a Boy Scout troop.
Many of the requirements for the Arrow of Light are intended to familiarize the scout with a local troop and show him that crossing over into a troop is the next step to take in scouting. A scout that earns his Arrow of Light patch has also completed nearly all the requirements to earn the Scout badge in the troop so he has already begun his Boy Scout trail.
“I am very pleased to congratulate the following boys for achieving the highest achievement in cub scouts, the Arrow of Light. A tremendous amount of work over a two-year period is required to achieve this designation,” said Scoutmaster Doug Breault. “I like to think of our Arrow of Light recipients as the Navy Seals of the cub scouts, and look forward to seeing each new batch of Arrow of Light recipients as they complete their tenure as a cub scout, and are ready to enter Marion Boy Scout Troop 32.”
The 2012 recipients are Jackson St. Don, Will Garcia, Danny Hartley, Dylan Villa, Sam Gordon, Zachary Pateakos, Harrison Burke and Alex Reichert.
For more information or to join the Marion Cub Scout or Boy Scout Troops go to