The Buzzards Bay Action Committee is pleased to sponsor its third annual Earth Day for Buzzards Bay Expo event in Fairhaven on April 25 – the last day of April school vacation. The Expo is free admission to all. Bring the family and find out what you can do to enjoy your spring and lighten your impact on the environment at the same time.
This year’s highlights include the “Turtle Guy,” Don Lewis of Marion, with some of the live turtles he’s rescued from the wild. Lewis has been working with turtles and other endangered wildlife for more than 12 years. There will also be a live honeybees exhibit with Wayne Andrews of the Bristol County Beekeepers Association. The beehive will be under glass so you can watch all their activities without disturbing them or being disturbed by them.
The Expo is also the place to learn about pollinators – especially monarch butterflies and their plight, and pick up a free milkweed plant for your home butterfly garden – and about composting – what can and cannot be composted – and where you can get a compost bin for your backyard and a pail for your kitchen (right at the Expo!).
There will be displays and activities for kids; exhibits and talks about garden design, land trusts, native plants, and new biodegradable packaging materials; and the Fairhaven Bikeways and Sustainability Committees will be there as well as the Buzzards Bay Coalition and the Buzzards Bay Action Committee. Food will be available from How on Earth, the natural foods store and restaurant located on Route 6 in Mattapoisett, and other vendors will be selling native plants, natural soaps, aromatherapy, etc.
The Earth Day Expo will feature a wide variety of eco-friendly options for a lifestyle with low impact on the environment, especially Buzzards Bay. A number of exhibitors will present their products and ideas to help residents learn how to reduce their water bills, keep lawns and yards healthy and attractive, and cut back on the use of potentially harmful chemicals inside the home and out. It begins at 10:00 am and runs until 4:00 pm at the Fairhaven Senior Center, 229 Huttleston Avenue (Route 6), Fairhaven, on April 25. Admission is free.