Worms Work Wonders: The Joy of Composting

Learn all about the importance of composting and how to build your own backyard compost bin at the Mattapoisett Free Public Library on Saturday, April 4 from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. The program is free, and students in grades 3 through 8 and their families are especially encouraged to attend this informative and hands-on event, part of the library’s MOBY (My Own BackYard) science program.

Dr. John Porter, director of Agricultural Research and Development at the A.D. Makepeace Company, will discuss the importance of composting to companies and communities, and to individuals. He will be presenting how one U.S. city is using composting to reduce their landfills and provide a valuable resource to gardeners.

Bring in a clean empty 2-liter bottle and some kitchen scraps to learn how to make a composter in a bottle and how this material is beneficial in yards and gardens. The group will also be learning about the library’s new compost bin.

Register by calling the library at 508-758-4171 or visit the children’s department.

MOBY, an outdoor science program for students in grades 3 through 8, is federally funded with LSTA funds administered through the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.

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