Mattapoisett Women’s Club

MWC’s Great Decisions Foreign Policy discussions begin January 25, 2012. The popular revolts and upheaval of the Arab Spring have radically changed the face of the Middle East. Come find out what lies ahead for the Middle East’s transition to democracy as the Mattapoisett Women’s Club offers the highly popular and thought provoking Great Decisions civic-education program of the Foreign Policy Association.

For discussions, the group will use the Great Decisions briefing book, which highlights eight of the most thought-provoking foreign policy challenges facing Americans today. The publication provides background information, current data, and policy options for each of the eight issues and serves as the focal text for our discussions. Topics for 2012 include: Middle East realignment, Promoting democracy, Mexico, Cyber-security, Exit from Afghanistan and Iraq, State of the Oceans, Indonesia, and Energy geopolitics.

Great Decisions meets once a week on Wednesdays for eight consecutive weeks from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm beginning January 25, 2012 in the lower meeting room of the Mattapoisett Free Public Library. The expected ending date is March 14. A snow date would extend the meetings to March 21.

Cost for the Foreign Policy Association publication providing background information on discussion topics is $28. The fee includes refreshments. Please make checks payable to: Ellen P. Flynn and mail checks to Ellen P. Flynn, P.O. Box 1312, Mattapoisett, MA 02739 by Monday, December 19, 2011. For more information contact co-chairs: Ellen P. Flynn at 508-758-1312 or Eileen Marum at 508-758-9751.

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