It has taken a couple of years to get the program afloat, but starting in the spring of 2015, Old Rochester Regional High School will offer the sport of sailing, and Athletic Director Bill Tilden expects significant interest from students.
“We’ve had kids talk to us for quite a few years about sailing,” said Tilden on November 12 before the Old Rochester Regional School Committee approved the new program. He said last year, he surveyed student interest in the program and 31 signed up for the then-tentative program. Twenty-nine of which were students currently not enrolled in a sporting program at the school.
The new coed sailing program is being sponsored by the Mattapoisett Community Sailing Association (MattSail) and is fully funded for the first three years of the program. On the fourth year, the organization will fund 75 percent of the program, then 50 percent and 25 percent in the following two years, respectively.
MattSail will provide eight boats – four for each team, with two sailors per boat – and all the safety equipment would be provided.
Tri-Town is known as a sailing community, said Tilden, and its high school ought to reflect that, like in Dartmouth and at Tabor Academy.
“We think it would be a fantastic way to honor the community and become more of a part of it,” said Tilden.
MattSail has committed to supporting the school’s new sailing endeavor and, as Tilden stated, is now just “looking for the bodies to put in the boats.”
“Any way we can get those [ORR] kids to the next level is worth it,” said Tilden.
The committee unanimously approved the new program.
“I certainly think it’s a great thing for the Tri-Town students,” said ORR School Committee Chairman James O’ Brien.
Also on November 12, Superintendent of Schools Doug White presented the Certificate of Academic Excellence to Andrea Harris for meeting the criteria for superior academic performance. Harris ranks second in her class, was a National Merit semifinalist, and received the President’s Volunteer Service Award, among other things. She is a member of the Math Team and has participated in three seasons of school athletics.
“You make Tri-Town proud,” O’Brien told Harris.
The next scheduled meeting of the Old Rochester Regional School Committee is scheduled for December 10 at 6:00 pm in the ORR Junior High School Media Room.
By Jean Perry