To the Editor:
Friends of the Bike Path would like to thank the Mattapoisett Friends’ Meeting as well as participants and shoppers for the success of the 2nd annual Alternative Gift Fair held on November 8. Bike Friendly Mattapoisett maps will continue to be sold at Town Wharf General Store, How on Earth, No Kidding, Pen and Pendulum as well as Mattapoisett Clipper. These maps make great stocking stuffers!
For those of you who would like to know what has happened since the September 25th public hearing, – and thank you all for coming out and writing letters – MASSDOT has said we should prepare a schedule for going to bid in October 2015, but before we can do that we need to ensure there are sufficient funds in the five year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). So, please like us on Facebook to get the date, time, and location for the TIP public hearing in our region, which should be happening soon. An informational meeting with Conservation Commission is planned, but not yet scheduled.
Bonne DeSousa
Friends of the Bike Path
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