Rochester resident John Scheub came before the Rochester Zoning Board of Appeals during a brief meeting to request that he be granted permission to tear down his old shed and put up a bigger one in the same spot in his front yard.
Scheub, of 585 Old Neck Road, was seeking a variance under Section 8 C. 2 of the Rochester bylaws regarding accessory structures. The bylaw states that “no accessory structure other than a roadside stand shall be located in the front yard area.”
While no abutters appeared to contest Scheub’s request, the board was unable to grant him the variance because the plan that Scheub brought before them was outdated and did not have the proper dimensions regarding the new shed.
“The way the yard is shaped, the shed is near Old Neck Road, but it’s still the back yard,” Scheub said.
Because neither the plan nor Scheub had any specific measurements to show exactly how far the shed would be away from the road, the board could not make a decision either way.
“We don’t want to make this into a bigger thing than it is, but we need more than this to make a decision,” Chairman Richard Cutler stated.
“Get an engineer to take a look at the property, get the measurements, and stamp the plans, said board member Kirby Gilmore. “Then we can decide at the next meeting.”
The next Rochester Zoning Board of Appeals meeting is scheduled for September 25 at 7:00 pm at the Rochester Town Hall.
By Camden Gaspar