Surplus Vehicles Approved for Transfer

Since they were already meeting on August 18 to discuss Sprague’s Cove, the Marion Board of Selectmen decided to cancel their Tuesday, August 19 meeting and approve a few items before their August 18 meeting with ConCom and MOSAC.

Most of the discussion focused on 525 County Road, a property that is in disarray, for which Building Commissioner Scott Shippey requested a temporary restraining order so that the town could take legal action to secure the property.

Town Administrator Paul Dawson said a similar discussion took place during the last selectmen’s meeting when attention was directed toward a Point Road property also in disrepair. He added that the process would be swifter if selectmen voted to authorize town counsel to add the County Road property to the motion for the TRO along with the Point Road property.

Shippey told selectmen the issue with 525 County Road began back in November of 2012, but since then communication ceased between the Building Department and the property owner. He described the property as being in a state of disrepair, which he witnessed back in July 2014.

“The house actually collapsed in on itself,” said Shippey. “So there was a very serious issue there.” He later mentioned an old gas tank on the site, adding, “There’s a lot of hazards.”

“I need that TRO to make sure I’m covered to enter that premises,” said Shippey.

Selectmen authorized Shippey’s request.

“Not so long ago, it wasn’t a bad looking place,” Chairman Jonathan Henry commented.

Also during the meeting, Henry chose at random the winning ticket for the 2014 Marion Scholarship Committee Annual Raffle. The winner is Brad Wayne, who wins a set of Red Sox tickets donated by MSC member Laura Sharp and her family.

In other matters, the board approved the transfer of one police cruiser to the Harbormaster Department, in light of the purchase of a new cruiser. Dawson said, effective July 1, the Harbormaster Department increased its staff from two to three full-time employees, and an additional vehicle was required for the new assistant harbormaster to use during emergency response calls.

“It’s difficult to … ask them to do that in their own private vehicles,” said Dawson. He said all the costs for repairs and maintenance would come out of the harbormaster’s budget as well as the waterways account.

“There will be no direct expense to the taxpayers,” said Dawson.

The board also approved the transfer of one Department of Public Works truck to the Facilities Department. The 2000 GMC truck was replaced last year and now the Facilities Department will use the truck to transport workers and equipment from job site to job site.

The board also voted to declare two outboard motors currently used by the Harbormaster Department as surplus property, and approved a one-day wine and malt license for the Marion Party/Block Dance on August 23.

Also approved were two one-day all alcohol licenses for the Marion Social Club steak dinner on September 15 and the clam bake on October 19. The board also approved a one-day malt and wine license for the Buzzards Bay Habitat for Humanity Gingerbread House Gala on December 4.

The next meeting of the Marion Board of Selectmen is September 2 at 7:00 pm.

By Jean Perry


One Response to “Surplus Vehicles Approved for Transfer”

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  1. Al Muren says:

    Marion Selectmen approved increasing the Harbormaster’s staff from two full time assistant harbormasters to three full time assitant harbormasters plus giving that department another automobile for the new assistant. Mr. Dawson stated there would be no direct expense to Marion taxpayers. There is however an indirect expense since where ever that money is comming from could be used to reduce Town expenses somewhere else. I would ask the selectmen to figure out a way to do that.

    (Is Sippican Harbor larger and moorings more numerous than 25 years ago?)

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