Local Soccer Team Wins Tournament in NY

A local soccer team of 11 and 12 year old girls were recently crowned Champions of the ‘Elite’ division of the prestigious Manhattan Soccer Kick-Off Classic, one of the top youth soccer tournaments in New York.

The NEFC South Coast United U12 Girls Team braved the cold, winter weather to play top teams from New York, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania. They tied their first match against East Islip (New York), before winning their next two matches versus Connecticut Football Club Arsenal and Albertson Fury (New York) to earn their way into the Championship match, where they defeated Ukranian Nationals Dynamo (Pennsylvania) 1-0.

“I’m so proud of all the girls,” Coach Terry Gordon said.”They played hard all weekend and their efforts paid off with the championship. With hard work and determination, on and off the field, the girls were able to achieve this success.”

The NEFC South Coast Under 12 girls team is comprised of players from communities throughout the South Coast including Acushnet, Fall River, New Bedford, Dartmouth, Mattapoisett, Rochester, Swansea, and Somerset, as well as Riverside and Exeter, RI.

NEFC (New England Football Club) is a premier soccer club and non-profit organization that utilizes a developmental approach in molding skilled soccer players with a special emphasis on ball mastery and foot skills. For more information about the team or the competitive NEFC soccer club visit the team’s website at http://nefc.us/nefcsouthcoastunitedu12girls/home



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