Dear Editor:
Last Friday night the Mattapoisett and Rochester Lions club joined together to bring the Harlem Ambassadors to the ORR High School gymnasium. Those who attended were treated to a very fast-paced and upbeat basketball show. The smiles on the faces of the kids are all you needed to see to know the event was a complete success. Like many Lions’ events, the success could not happen without the support of the community as a whole. The Superintendent’s Office, Custodial Staff and Athletic Department provided unconditional support of our efforts and the businesses of the community who sponsored this event with ads in the program guide given to the spectators made this event possible. Special thanks goes to The Chowder House, who donated the required after dinner meal to The Ambassadors. Finally, I would like to thank the Fairfield Inn & Suites of New Bedford, who provided the rooms for The Ambassadors on Friday night.
The success of all Lions Club projects is due to the support from the community. A perfect example of this is a recent request from a private citizen in the community, for the Lions to build a handicap access ramp for a resident of Mattapoisett. As a result, the Lions got two local businesses to step up to the plate and offer assistance at no charge: Mahoney’s Building Supply donated the materials and Fisher & Rocha donated the design and construction management needed to construct the ramp. The Lions will soon be building the ramp.
I am very proud to be a member of the Mattapoisett Lions Club and community we serve. If you have a heart for community service and like being active in the community, please consider joining the Lions Club. If you would like more information about becoming a Lion, please contact us at or join us as our guest at a dinner meeting the 2nd or 4th Wednesday of the month.
Remember our motto is simply “We Serve.”
Yours in Lionism,
Donald Bamberger
President of the Mattapoisett Lions
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