A living, breathing, (and giggling) dictionary of vocabulary words displayed their intellect and imagination at the Rochester Memorial School during its first annual Vocabulary Day Parade on April 4. Third and fourth graders each selected a challenging word to learn and emulate, donning costumes the students made at home to bring their word to life for all to see. Words like cantankerous, anthropomorphism, maelstrom, and dappled – some pretty advanced words that led to some rather ostentatious costumes.
Two groups of students who participated in the Destination Imagination competition presented their award-wining performances in front of the school. The fifth grade team members Griffin, Anthony, Caroline, Paige, and Julia acted out their scientific challenge on extreme environments called “Popturians.”
The middle school group performed their scientific challenge skit “Do not Enter: Work in Progress” which featured a tension device made with wood, glue, and fishing line that held up to 600 pounds of tension! Ben, Dante, Emily, and Mackenzie won the much-deserved Regional Renaissance Award for Excellency in performance, creativity, and design.
The school gave a “giant thank you” to the Rochester Lions Club for the donation of a brand new vision screener to replace the one the Lions Club donated to the school 44 years ago. School Nurse Michelle Humphrey showed her gratitude by asking students at Old Colony to create a small plaque thanking the Lions Club to affix to the side of the vision screener. The vision screener cost just under $2,000, and Rochester Lions Club Members John Cobb and Deb Marten attended the all school meeting to represent the Lions Club.
By Jean Perry