A request for Determination of Applicability to anchor a float with two piles instead of chains by N. George Host and Laurie A. Host of 456 Point Road was the first item to be discussed at the Marion Conservation Commission’s meeting on Wednesday evening.
David Davignon of N. Douglas Schneider & Associates of Mattapoisett represented the applicant and discussed a letter from the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries with their comments on the project. The DMF commented that ‘to minimize loss of eelgrass habitat, the floating dock should not be positioned over any underlying eelgrass beds’ and they questioned the type of attachment system that would be used to attach the float to the bottom. The DMF letter noted that if a chain system was used, it would impact the intertidal area as the chain sweeps back and forth with the rise and fall of the tide.
Davignon told the board that the applicant would like to put in two float piles and remove the bottom anchor chain system. Both the harbormaster and shellfish officer were consulted, and Davignon said they had no objection to the proposal. The board closed the hearing.
Next up was an appointment with Tabor Academy, represented by Matthew VanderPol, for a discussion regarding removal of a portion of the stone wall along Ryder Lane. VanderPol proposed removing 430 feet of wall along the Ryder Lane side of the Tabor field. Tabor plans to replace the wall with hedges at the same elevation as the existing wall.
VanderPol also told the board that Tabor would like to tear down the stone athletic storage structure that is just inside the wall. VanderPol said that Tabor would like to do the work in conjunction with the CDM Smith reconstruction of Ryder Lane. VanderPol did not have the site plan drawings, and the board asked him to make another appointment and provide the proposed plans to the Conservation Commission office for review.
Brian Grady of GAF Engineering of Wareham represented David Dunn, of 6 Shawondasse Road, for a Notice of Intent to raise the dwelling onto a new concrete pad foundation, construct a new driveway, and associated grading. Grady said that the home will be raised at an elevation of at least 20 feet. A 12- by 2-foot addition will also be added and raised. The property is in a velocity zone and a coastal dune area. The house will have nine piles plus three piles for the deck and five piles for the side access, steps and deck. The pilings will be four feet deep with a concrete slab below. The board closed the hearing.
Coming back to the board after several appointments to work out a Notice of Intent was applicant Gale P. Runnells of 17 Reservation Road, who has plans to construct an in-ground swimming pool, a retaining wall and a patio. Rick Charon of Charon Associates of Rochester represented the applicant. At issue was the stipulation that no back-flushing from the pool could occur due to the extensive marsh area abutting the property. “There will be 10,000 gallons of water in the pool, which will have a geofabric liner. A pool filter cartridge will be used and no water will be flushed into the marsh,” said Charon. The board closed the hearing.
Next up was a discussion with the Sippican Lands Trust to discuss approval of the Conservation Restriction on Parcels C and E of the Bay Watch Realty Trust 30B site located off Route 105/Front Street. The property consists of 12 acres that abut the 40B Project off Route 105 in Marion. The area has been put in a conservation restriction in perpetuity. The land restriction has been approved by the Division of Energy and Environmental Affairs, town counsel and the Sippican Lands Trust. Final approval will come from the Board of Selectmen. The board agreed to the restriction and signed the documents which will go before the BOS.
The board discussed and issued a Full Certificate of Compliance for David V. and Linda C. Nielsen for constructing a pier, two floats and a gangway at 203 Front Street.
Minutes from prior meetings were approved.
By Joan Hartnett-Barry