A request for a Notice of Intent to construct a 12-foot by 24-foot in-ground swimming pool, a retaining wall, and a patio at 17 Reservation Road was discussed at Wednesday evening’s meeting of the Marion Conservation Commission.
The applicant, Gale P. Runnells, was represented by Rick Charon of Charon Associates of Rochester.
The proposed project would be located at least 15 feet beyond the wetland area and be surrounded by a six-foot high fence that is intended to dissipate wave action in the event of a storm. The fence would be stainless steel wires. The property is located in a velocity and flood zone. The gunite pool would be four-foot deep and is intended for playing games and volleyball.
“Is this allowed in a velocity zone,” asked Member Steve Gonsalves, who noted that the property is located next to an extensive marsh area. “What is the worst case scenario,” asked Associate Member Cynthia Trinidad. The consensus was that the pool would break up and go either into the house or into the water or marsh area. The property has an extensive area of upland, on which the board also wanted to get more information.
Other issues of concern were the filtration system and any discharge. Charon said that the pool could have a replaceable filter so no back flush into wetlands would occur. Other issues to research included finding out the maximum height of a vertical wall in a velocity zone and information on how machinery will get to the proposed construction point.
Gonsalves asked if the applicant had considered a salt water pool instead of a chlorinated one. Member Jeffrey Doubravan noted that even salt water pools require some chlorination. Charon said he would ask his client about it as well as present the issues brought up at the meeting.
After deciding to revisit the site and review a revised site plan that would flag an area of concern between flags seven and eight, the board continued the hearing until March 26 at 7:20 pm.
The next appointment was a discussion of a request for a Full Certificate of Compliance for constructing a garage and breezeway addition and a second floor addition to the dwelling, also for Gale P. Runnells of 17 Reservation Road. Mr. Rick Charon represented the applicant.
A review of the site plans showed that a structure holding a generator was not noted on the plan. Also not shown on the plan was a three-foot block wall in the driveway area. “It appears that dirt was placed on top of the hay bales and it decomposed and is going into the wetlands,” said Member Norman Hills. Charon said that the area would have new hay bales installed and that he would come back to the commission with a corrected site plan.
Next up, the committee voted on and approved the wording of an article to be on the Spring Town Meeting warrant for funds to continue the Sprague’s Cove Stormwater Remediation Project. Article C1 reads:
“To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate or transfer from available funds in the Treasury (free cash) the sum of $12,500 to be expended by the Conservation Commission for control of invasive species and required maintenance at Sprague’s Cove and other Conservation Commission responsible parcels.”
New Member Jeffrey Doubravan and Associate Member Cynthia Trinidad reported on their recent attendance at the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions conference. “It was excellent,” said Trinidad, who noted that she brought back information to share with members.
By Joan Hartnett-Barry