Mattapoisett Free Public Library

Dr. Who Night! The excitement is building for the library’s first Dr. Who Night! Join other fans on Friday, March 14 from 4:00 to 6:30 pm to watch episodes of Dr. Who. Enjoy lots of Dr. Who talk and snacks. Bring your friends. Make Dr. Who buttons on our new button machine. Everyone is welcome.

Saturday with Sadie: Sadie, the listening ears dog, will be here this Saturday, March 15, along with her handlers so that children can read to her. She loves books, and this month she’s waiting to hear And Then It’s Spring by Julie Fogliano. Children who are 5 years old and older may sign up to read. Please call 508-758-4171 to register your child, as there is a limit of ten children.

There’s Still Time to go on a Blind Date with a Book: Blind dates are waiting to be checked out! Stop in the Reading Room and take a chance on a “blind date book.” You will know the genre, but not the title or the author. Give one a try and rate your “date” for a chance at one of three prizes to be awarded on St. Patrick’s Day. The prizes are an iTunes gift card, movie gift certificates, and a gift certificate to Nick’s Pizza.

Spring Story Time Series: Registration for the spring story times for toddlers and preschoolers begins Tuesday, March 18. The series begins the week of April 1. Call the children’s department at 508-758-4171 to register.

Women’s History Month Display: Stop by the circulation desk area to see the new display on books related to women’s history. Any of the selections may be checked out. Biographies, women’s anthologies, and history titles are available.

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