As term two comes to a close at Old Rochester Regional High School, the student council remains busy planning a second spirit week for the student body. In the fall, the Homecoming spirit week includes themed dress-up days preceding the school’s pep rally on Friday. The pep rally creates enthusiasm for that night’s football game. Then on Saturday, students attend the homecoming dance. This winter’s spirit week will follow a similar pattern.
“We noticed over the years how Homecoming is always ‘the big thing’ and there’s so much school spirit, but then after that there’s nothing … We wanted to kind of continue the school spirit,” said student council President Kelly Merlo.
The winter spirit week is to take place next week. The themed dress-up days are ‘Merica (America) Monday, Tie-Dye Tuesday, Pajama Wednesday, Ninja Thursday and Club Friday. The final dress-up day on Friday encourages students to wear a shirt in recognition of their sport, club or any other extra-curricular activity. Thus the diverse interests of ORR’s student body will be represented at the pep rally.
Unlike the fall pep rally, there will be no class skits performed. “We’re going to do class competitions, so we’re going to get different people in the class involved,” said Merlo, “We’re going to do tug-o-war and hopefully some other fun, competitive games.”
Along with the class competitions, the pep rally will be focused on that night’s basketball games. On Friday, January 31, the ORR boys’ varsity basketball team has a home game against Fairhaven at 6:30 pm, while the girls’ varsity basketball team has an away game at Fairhaven at 6:30 pm. Students are encouraged to attend either of these games in support of their peers.
Saturday, February 1, will be the night of the winter dance. Check-in will start at 6:30 pm, while music and dancing will begin at 7:00 pm. Tickets will cost five dollars; the profits from the dance will go to student council. This is student council’s first fundraiser of the year, as all the funds from the Homecoming dance – usually their most profitable fundraiser – went towards lowering the club fee.
This winter dance is unique from Homecoming because it encourages casual attire. Student council Administrator Ruhi Raje explained the council’s reasoning for this decision. She said, “… the object is to have fun and make it easy on everybody, so that’s why we chose just a casual dance.”
The winter dance will also have a fun glow-in-the-dark theme. The school’s cafeteria will be adorned with glow sticks and other colorful decorations. Student council Vice President Lizzie MacLellan encouraged students to wear neon-colored clothes, as they hope to add a few black lights to the dance’s decor.
As the spirit week approaches, student council is making posters and spreading the word to the student body, hoping to lift their school spirit.
By Renae Reints