Newly Hired Facilities Director Gives Report

Shaun Cormier, the recently hired Facilities Administrator for the town of Marion, took center stage at the Marion Board of Selectmen’s meeting held at the Town House on Tuesday.

Cormier provided a handout, with photos, and said that his report included a preliminary review of the town’s capital assets and his impressions of what needs to be done in order of priority.

He stressed that he is new to the town and needs time to analyze each and every capital asset, as his job requires, but that the task will take time. Cormier said that he will help the town in its efforts to assess the assets and make recommendations on maintaining and keeping the facilities up to date.

“The Music Hall is the number one priority,” said Cormier, “because a roof replacement and gutter repair are in order.” A repointing in various areas of the brick building was also noted as a project to be completed over time. The report noted that gutter damage at the southwest corner of the building is causing water infiltration in the basement that could spell major problems in the future if not corrected soon.

Cormier noted that local resident Bill Saltonstall, a retired architect and solar energy expert and all around ‘great guy’, has drafted a plan to remediate the ground water that is seeping into the basement floor and causing the interior walls of the building to deteriorate. Saltonstall is volunteering his time and energy on behalf of the town.

Other projects include replacing the dugout roofs at Washburn Park and exchanging restroom light fixtures with ‘vandal resistant’ fixtures for proper safety and security. A pump house located in the southeast corner of the park needs to become structurally sound, and Cormier said that the project might be ideal for Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School. Cormier will look into that possibility.

Other projects include repairs to the shower stalls at Silvershell Beach and to the conservation signs at town properties. All wooden flagpoles around town need to be replaced by fiberglass poles to reduce maintenance issues, according to Cormier.

Next up was a hearing with Shellfish Officer Isaac Perry who recommended a six-month suspension of a commercial shellfish license for Nicholas Carnazza. “Two incidents occurred on December 11 and December 13, 2013 with commercial violations committed. I recommend a six-month suspension of the license,” said Perry. Each citation, according Perry, resulted in a $25 fine. “I believe the fines are not enough to have it sink in and that a six-month suspension is needed,” said Perry.

Selectmen Jon Henry asked various questions, noting that he had five children and that people make mistakes and learn from them. “Do you understand the seriousness of this?” asked Henry. “Yes, I do sir,” replied Carnazza.

Selectman Steve Cushing noted that a commercial license demanded more, and was held to a higher standard, than an individual license to shellfish.

After some discussion, Selectman Henry said that he suggested a 90-day suspension rather than a six-month suspension due to the fact that young people learn lessons as they grow and figure out how the world works. “I recommend a 90-day suspension,” said Henry. Cushing agreed, but Selectman Jody Dickerson sided with Shellfish Officer Isaac Perry’s recommendation of a six-month suspension.

Before voting, Henry told Carnazza that ‘one more violation’ from the shellfish officer would eliminate his license forever. “We believe in learning lessons, and that’s what we hope will happen here,” said Henry.

Next up was a discussion regarding the fireworks for Saturday, July 5, at Silvershell Beach, if they happen. “We need more committee members,” said Selectman Dickerson. “We are ahead of where we were last year, so that’s very positive. Come join our committee and make our July 4th happen here in Marion,” said Dickerson in an appeal to the public. If interested, contact Jody Dickerson at the Marion Recreational Department at 13 Atlantis Drive in Marion or call the Marion Recreation Department at 774-217-8355.

In other business, the board approved two separate one-day all-alcohol licenses for the Marion Social Club – one for a clam boil from noon to 4:00 pm on January 16 and the other for a steak dinner to be held from noon to 4:00 pm on March 2.

By Joan Hartnett-Barry


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