The Plymouth County Conservation District will be holding its Annual Tree and Plant Sale on April 21 and 22, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on Saturday and 9:00 am to noon on Sunday, at 158 Tihonet Road, Wareham. Deadline to order is April 11. For a brochure call 508-295-5495 ext. 144 or check out our website
PCCD is offering Cape-American Beach Grass, bare-root evergreen trees, ground covers, perennials, flowering trees and shrubs, plus strawberries, blueberries and much more. Look for lavender, phlox and several varieties of ornamental grasses, a good selection of flowering shrubs, such as Lilacs, several colors of Hydrangea, and a great assortment of potted ornamental shrubs. Whether you are a backyard gardener or a larger landowner looking for seedlings in bulk, the PCCD Sale has something for nearly every taste. Also offered are special plants with an eye toward coastal landowners, interested in erosion control and plants with tolerance to salt, including Beach Plum and Rugosa Rose. For more information call the Plymouth County Conservation District, 508-295-5495, ext. 144.