Covanta Site Plan Approved

After months with continued open hearings, the Planning Board finally approved a Site Plan Review for a CNG (condensed natural gas) fueling station on Cranberry Highway for Covanta Clean Energy.

Board Chairman Arnold Johnson said that after a long period of “back-and-forth” between Covanta representatives and himself, Rochester engineer Kenny Motta, Town Counsel Blair Bailey, and Board Administrator Patrice LaForest, the Board was ready to vote on a motion to approve the Site Plan Review, which contains documents and drawings required to ensure that construction plans are in accordance with town and state statutes.

It was approved unanimously.

“I believe that we have everything from the applicant,” said Johnson about Covanta, noting that there were a series of conditions added and subtracted from the original plans over the past few months, but the Board agreed that they finally had all the details ironed out between all parties involved.

Covanta representatives said that a construction date has not yet been set as they still need to go through the state permitting process before ground can be broken, weather permitting.

In other news, Johnson said that the subcommittee for the search for a new Town Planner is meeting this Thursday, and he hopes that they will at least have a candidate by their next meeting in January.

Former Town Planner John Charbonneau stepped down from the part-time position in September to take a position in Raynham.

“Hopefully by the first meeting in February, we might have somebody on board,” said Johnson.

By Nick Walecka


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