The Rochester Historical Society will hold a Cranberry Bake Sale and Open House on Saturday, October 26, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at the East Rochester Church/Museum. A very special feature from 9:30 to 11:30 am will be Paul Sardinha, Old Rochester Drama Club Director, entertaining on the piano and organ. Paul is also the organist at the North Rochester Congregational Church and summer organist at St. Phillips Church in Mattapoisett.
This is the last weekend the wedding fashion/photo display will be available. The display, “Wedding Wear and Local Wedding Photos from the Early 1900s,” features clothing and photos from many Rochester families.
The Gift Shop offering Rochester shirts, books, cranberry labels, cards, maps, and more will be open.
Stop by and visit our quaint 1837 church building to view the lovely display and listen to wonderful music, buy some great cranberry food items, and do some Christmas shopping at the gift shop where all things Rochester are available.