Phragmites Again Top Agenda

The Mattapoisett Conservation Commission revisited the issue of how best to deal with invasive phragmite as it slowly but certainly is overtaking property situated at 112 Aucoot Road owned by Jay and Julie Duker. With their engineer David Davignon, the applicant came before the commission to receive approval for the removal of phragmite, sand dune development, and barrier beach nourishment.

After lengthy discussions with Davignon and Duker, during which commission members Bob Rogers, Tom Copps, and Chair Peter Newton debated various methods and possible compromises to the submitted request, a viable plan was outlined.

To insure the jurisdictional resource, the salt marsh, would not be compromised by outsourced sand and other off site materials, the commission agreed to allow sands that have migrated into the marsh be removed and returned to the barrier beach and/or the dune that will be built up to help protect the beach. The dune would be planted with native beach grasses. They also voted to allow the removal of phragmite with the caveat that these plants are very hard to completely remove and may return. They conditioned the work so that no off site material will be allowed during the project.

The night’s agenda also included a request by Anna Simon of 2 Shore Street to build a new shed. An existing shed that had not been previously permitted was not part of the work the commission was required to review. The building department will be visiting that issue at a later date. The request was approved with the condition that the shed will be tied down to insure that during storms it won’t damage surrounding spaces and structures.

David Nicolosi was again before the commission to discuss the roadwork and wetlands crossing he needs for property located off Fairhaven Road near Deerfield Road (Assessor’s map #21, lots # 33, 34, and 42B). Nicolosi must cross an intermittent stream and plans on using precast concrete bridge structures to do so. There were questions regarding the proper calculations for drainage and storm water runoff , which commission member Bob Rogers offered to discuss with Nicolosi’s engineer. Nicolosi’s request to the Natural Heritage regarding compensatory mitigation plans have been accepted and were shared with the commission.

The Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program (NHESP), part of the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, is one of the programs forming the Natural Heritage Network. NHESP is responsible for the conservation and protection of hundreds of species that are not hunted, fished, trapped, or commercially harvested in the state. The Program’s highest priority is protecting the vertebrate and invertebrate animals and native plants that are officially listed as Endangered, Threatened, or of Special Concern in Massachusetts.

Nicolosi will purchase land to offset disturbances caused by subdivision of his property. The commission granted another extension for this phase of his projected site development. When he returns he will have recalculations of drainage, construction sequencing plans, and 100-year flood data for review.

In other business: ratification of enforcement order for Leisure Shores Marina; the Conservation Agent’s report; and a vote to move the October 14 meeting, which falls on Columbus Day, to October 16.

By Marilou Newell


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