An exceptionally quick meeting for the Marion Zoning Board of Appeals on Thursday included just two action items.
In one, the Board continued a hearing with Tabor Academy regarding the school’s athletic field in Plan 13, Lot 44 under Residence C Zoning, long an issue between the entities. Tabor attorney Mark Bobrowski requested the first available date in September, which, for the Board, is Sept. 26.
In pending case No. 671, a request for a special permit from the Herons at 4 Aucoot Rd., the Board unanimously voted to reject the applicant because of the project’s dimensions, which would “exacerbate a pre-existing non-conformance,” Chair Eric Pierce said. “You cannot create a nonconformance.”
The Board did not enter Executive Session, and will next meet on June 6, when it will hear a request for a special permit from Kathleen Mahoney, seeking to demolish the dwelling at 40 Dexter Rd. and construct a new one.
By Shawn Badgley