Large Garage to Re-Apply

Rochester’s Zoning Board of Appeals on February 29 approved a request to withdraw without prejudice the variance application for the construction of a 1,600-square-foot garage at 405 Neck Road, which would be larger than the 1,000 square feet allowed by town zoning bylaw.             Acting Chairman Thomas Flynn said the applicant, Michael Walsh, needs to […] Read more »

Andrew J. Santos

Andrew J. Santos of Marion, MA died March 5, 2024, after a brief illness.  He was married for 64 years to Marianne (Eggersdorfer) Santos. He was born November 10, 1933, the son of John & Madeline Santos. Andy, as he was known to family and friends, lived most of his life in Marion.             He […] Read more »

Leprechaun Loot Hike

Mattapoisett Land Trust is leading a Leprechaun Loot Hike again this year. After school on Friday, March 15, join MLT at the Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. parking area (Angelica Ave.) from 3:00 to 4:00 pm. We’re setting off to find where the leprechauns have hidden their loot ahead of this St. Patrick’s Day. We’ll take […] Read more »

Marion Garden Group

If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?” Peeking up through the crusty old sticks and leaves, the wonder of rebirth dazzles our senses. And gardeners throughout the world are looking for their gloves, rakes and trowels to help Mother Nature with her magic transformation.             The Marion Garden Group has not been idle these […] Read more »

Subdivision Proposal for Holly Woods

            The March 4 meeting of the Mattapoisett Planning Board had one agenda item, an informal meeting to discuss a proposed, eight-lot subdivision off Holly Woods Road. The property owner is Collin Labrie, 7 Holly Woods Road, represented on this night by Chris Vandenberghe of Civil and Environmental Consultants.             The primary plans call for […] Read more »

Who Will Care for Me When I’m Old and Gray?

            Every day, 12,000 Americans turn 65. In 2022, 58,000,000 were over 65 – 17% of the population – and estimates are that by 2040, seniors will make up 22% of the population.             While most people over 65 are healthy, as we age illnesses and frailty become increasingly common, and growing numbers need at […] Read more »

A Celtic Afternoon

The Mattapoisett Museum at 5 Church Street invites one and all on Saturday, March 16 from 4:00 to 5:30 to a rollicking afternoon of Celtic music with Mark Roberts and Benedict Gagliardi.             Mattapoisett native, Mark Roberts discovered traditional music hanging around the Tryworks Coffeehouse and SMU’s Eistedfod Festival. Mark is primarily known as a […] Read more »

Elks Student of the Month

The Elks of Wareham / New Bedford Lodge No. 73 sponsors the Elks Student of the Month and Student of the Year Awards for students enrolled in local area high schools. The criteria used in nominating a student includes a student who excels in scholarship, citizenship, performing arts, fine arts, hobbies, athletics, church, school and […] Read more »

Castles Get Castle in Order

The Marion Conservation Commission voted Jonathan and Jill Castle an Amended Order of Conditions for their thrice-amended project at 406 Point Road.             Representative Rick Charon described the project as “fits and starts,” noting the discovery of structural issues with the house resulting in a reinvention of the project to raze the house and rebuild. […] Read more »

Wondering What to Write About

            I’ve been sitting here for what seems like hours trying to think of something to write about for this week’s column. I considered writing about suspenders, but that idea didn’t hold up. Then belts came to mind, but that story had too many holes.             Looking into the refrigerator at lunchtime, I thought I […] Read more »