Marion Stewards of Community Open Space

The Stewards of Community Open Space (SoCOS) has been working with representatives of the Southeastern Regional Planning & Economic Development District (SRPEDD) to develop a new Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP) for Marion. The OSRP is required by the State and has a specific format and content. A final version of the OSRP has […] Read more »

Giant Spruce Taken Down

            There was momentary doubt as to the nature of that giant tree taken down on Tuesday between Elizabeth Taber Library and Sippican Elementary School, but there was no disagreement that its time had run out.             “It’s not dead … but it’s so compromised. … In a big storm, a limb could fall down,” […] Read more »

Grant Applications Reviewed

Mattapoisett’s Community Preservation Act Committee met on January 31 to interview three applicants for CPA grant funding. These three groups were given the opportunity to present their requests, submit additional documentation and address questions poised to them by the committee in advance of the presentations.             The Mattapoisett Christian Church, better known as the Mattapoisett […] Read more »

Mattapoisett Library Artist Series

The Mattapoisett Free Public Library Artist Series presents an exhibit from February 15 – March 14 called Photography by John Oldham: From the Streets of Boston to the Cannons of Fort Phoenix. Local resident Oldham is a History Teacher at Old Colony Regional Vocational High School in Rochester. He has been taking photos and learning […] Read more »

Mattapoisett Republican Party Monthly Town Meeting

The Mattapoisett Republican Party invites everyone interested to join us on Tuesday, February 7 from 6:30 pm to 7:45 pm at the Mattapoisett Free Public Library – 7 Barstow Street.             Topics for discussion are: 1) Party Membership – we will be discussing ways that we can all help to add new members, 2) GOP […] Read more »


To the Editor;             In the January 30 Letters to the Editor page (A16) of the Wall Street Journal, under the heading “Covid, the Spanish Flu and Return of History,” appears the following paragraphs:             “We deal with the immediate in this country. Little time is spent in reflection, or of understanding the past. That […] Read more »

No Injuries in House Fire

A Rochester family and its pets safely exited a house fire on Stuart Road early Thursday morning, the February 2 call going to the Rochester Fire Department at approximately 5:00 am, according to a report published by the Rochester Fire Department. The call reported smoke and fire inside the house. Firefighters arriving at the scene […] Read more »

Murphy Denied Expansion Permits

            For decades, Murphy’s Auto Salvage has been doing business on County Road in Rochester. On January 26, the Rochester Zoning Board of Appeals heard from abutters how difficult it is to live next to the salvage business. The abutters were seeking denial of two special permits requested by Murphy to expand his trucking business […] Read more »

Long Wharf Plans Still Pending

The January 26 meeting of the Mattapoisett Marine Advisory Board found the members once again hearing that final construction plans are still pending for Long Wharf.             A previous joint meeting with the town’s consultant, Childs Engineering, and the Select Board sent Childs on a mission to obtain more material-cost estimates, primarily for stone, as […] Read more »

Upcoming After-school Program at the MNHM

The Marion Natural History Museum will be hosting the Manomet Bird Observatory on February 15. Students will explore local birds that overwinter in Massachusetts. They will be given model birds to identify and information about behavior and diet during the winter months. Students will determine the best locations and types of food for their bird […] Read more »