Rochester Receives Initial CARES Act Check

            Plymouth County Treasurer Thomas O’Brien’s first delivery of $33,602.20 in Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funds will have many applications in the Town of Rochester, not the least of which are the services that the town provides for its senior citizens. The Senior Center is closed, but the activities of the […] Read more »

Selectmen Request Financials for ORCTV and ORR

            The October 22 Tri-Town Selectmen’s meeting delved into the contractual language, or lack thereof, of the agreement the Towns of Rochester, Marion, and Mattapoisett have with ORCTV, as well as the agreement between the Old Rochester Regional School District and the three towns.             First up was the ORCTV contract now motoring along on […] Read more »

Rochester Senior Center

The Rochester Senior Center would like to let everyone know that on Thursday, October 22 the Massachusetts Department of Public Health designated Rochester as a COVID-19 ‘high risk’ community. This designation is based on a calculation that includes a 14-day average of new COVID-19 cases and the population size. With this new ‘red’ designation, the […] Read more »

Mattapoisett Election Information

The polls will be open for the Presidential/State Election at Old Hammondtown School, 20 Shaw Street, from 7:00 am until 8:00 pm on Tuesday, November 3. There will be many protocols in place to keep everyone as safe as possible. Please wear a cloth face covering and observe social distancing. Please be patient, as wait […] Read more »

Marion Open Space

To the Editor;             Attention dog lovers, nature walkers, bird watchers and outdoor enthusiasts: There are open space articles on the Marion Fall Special Town Meeting warrant that need your voice. We all enjoy the beautiful woods around town, and a YES vote on articles 5, 6, 7 and 8 will preserve about 42 acres […] Read more »

DPW Facility Designs to Be Budget Driven

            The Marion Board of Selectmen spent the majority of its day on Monday in three separate interviews of engineers bidding to design a proposed Department of Public Works operations facility off Benson Brook Road.             The three firms were distinct in size proportionate to local versus regional. The in-town bidder, Saltonstall Architects, Inc., interviewed […] Read more »

What Everyone Needs to Know about Open Meeting Law

            While it may be true that public meetings can be a bit dry at times, their importance in the operation of cities and towns throughout the country cannot be overstated. Local government is the backbone of our democratic society. But how these meetings function and are handled at town halls and meeting centers throughout […] Read more »

Randall Lane Solar Array Begins ConCom Hearings

            On an evening when their agenda was packed with continued hearings, new hearings, and a large handful of other matters, the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission opened the Notice of Intent hearing for a mega-sized solar array planned by Randall Lane, LLC. On October 26, the commissioners saw for the first time the scope of the […] Read more »

Mattapoisett Library STEAM Projects To Go: Paper Dragons

STEAM Projects To Go brings a new project this November! STEAM Projects To Go are created for busy teens, grades 6 to 12, who still want to engage with library programming and their community. This month’s project will explore aeronautics— the study of flight. The project will be to create a paper dragon in the […] Read more »

Mattapoisett Complete Streets Award

The Town of Mattapoisett has received a $260,000 award from the State’s Complete Street Funding Program.             The Town will be working with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation in spending these funds to address the following needs:             Brandt Island Road: Safety Improvements— This would include the installation of advance signage and radar speed feedback […] Read more »