Homespun and Foreign Invaders

If you are a gardener, either casual or serious, then you know the activity is really a sport – sometimes a blood sport – as you attempt to rid your well-ordered patches of invasive plants. Some of these green things are evil invaders brought over during the 1700s when, apparently, settlers couldn’t stand the thought […] Read more »

Montigny Announces Critical State Funding To Combat Addiction

Senate Assistant Majority Leader Mark Montigny (D-New Bedford) is pleased to announce that the Massachusetts Department of Public Health awarded Positive Action Against Chemical Addiction (PAACA) in New Bedford a $27,777 grant to combat the critical problem of substance abuse. The Department awarded a total of nine grants of $27,777 to each of the Recovery […] Read more »

Rochester Historical Society Meeting

The next meeting of the Rochester Historical Society will be held on Wednesday, June 20at 7:00 pm at the East Rochester Church/ Museum, 355 County Road. The program “The Pigwacket Indians and Molly Ockett” will be presented by Betty Beaulieu, who will discuss the interesting connection between the Pigwacket Indians and Rochester. The Pigwackets from […] Read more »


A clambake will be held on Sunday,June 24at 1:30 pm. This event will take place at The Knights Hall, 57 Fairhaven Road in Mattapoisett for $40 per person. For tickets, call Jim at 508-863-3496. This is the only clambake at The Knights Hall this year. Read more »

Complex Partnership Stalls RDA

It was a bit like putting the cart before the horse on June 11 when Mike Huguenin of the Mattapoisett Land Trust and Jack Sidor of the Buzzards Bay Coalition came before the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission to have a Request for Determination of Applicability filing heard. At issue is an effort on the part of […] Read more »

Sippican Lands Trust Annual Meeting

The Sippican Lands Trust (SLT) will host its Annual Meeting on Wednesday, June 27at 5:30 pm at Kate’s Simple Eats, 148 Front Street, Marion. All people are welcome and encouraged to attend SLT’s Annual Meeting to learn more about the work of Sippican Lands Trust and its land conservation work in Marion. Dr. Greg Skomal, […] Read more »

Old Rochester Athletic Hall of Fame

The Old Rochester Athletic Hall of Fame will have its 2018 Induction Banquet and Golf Tournament on June 23weekend. The ORRAHOF will induct six individual star athletes/graduates from ORR along with the 1981-82 Div. 3 Championship Boys’ Basketball Team on June 23 at ORR. The two ladies and four gentlemen chosen this year by the […] Read more »

Art In Bloom, Indeed

One of the most beautiful and highly anticipated evenings of the summer season is the annual Art In Bloom opening reception at the Marion Art Center. A partnership, or shall I say, pairing of paintings with floral arrangements not only captures the imagination but also the essence of what can be described as creative imagination […] Read more »

Buzzards Bay Coalition Golf Tournament

Golfers of all abilities have a unique opportunity to enjoy an afternoon of golf at a championship golf course while also making a difference to clean up pollution in New Bedford Harbor at the Buzzards Bay Coalition’s annual Golf Tournament on Friday, October 19at the Bay Club at Mattapoisett. All proceeds from the Golf Tournament […] Read more »

MAC & SLT Announce Joint Art Exhibition

The Marion Art Center and Sippican Lands Trust (SLT) are partnering up once again to sponsor an exhibition by local artists to highlight the many scenic sites that comprise the Sippican Land Trust’s properties this fall. This is one of several initiatives undertaken by the SLT to encourage visitors to enjoy our properties around Marion. […] Read more »