Old Rochester Youth Lacrosse

Registration is open for Old Rochester Youth Lacrosse, Spring 2012. Lacrosse is known as the fastest game on two feet! Sign up and join the fun. Tri-town girls and boys grades 1 through 8 are welcome. Please go to our website to register & for information: www.ORYLAX.com. The deadline is January 15, 2012. Contact: info@orylax.com […] Read more »

Do You Remember?

Football is a big part of most schools and Old Rochester Regional is no different. September 1961 marked the first interscholastic athletic competition for the new school. To mark the opener against Dighton-Rehoboth, more than 300 of ORR’s students were bussed to Dighton to watch the team makes its debut. After being outplayed in the […] Read more »

Rochester Youth Baseball Registration

Editor’s Note: Rochester Youth Baseball is not affiliated with Old Rochester Little League. Rochester Youth Baseball (RYB) has opened registration for its Spring 2012 season. Players may register online via its website (www.RochesterYouthBaseball.com), via mail and in-person. An Information/Registration Night will be held on Monday, December 12 from 6:00 to 7:00 pm at Re-Max offices […] Read more »

Memorial Plantings in Mattapoisett

The Mattapoisett Tree Committee has recently completed two Memorial Tree plantings: a new Pin Oak tree at Center School and a “Winter King” Hawthorn tree at the Mattapoisett Landing. These Memorial trees have recently been planted to honor the loved ones of two Mattapoisett families. The holiday is a wonderful time to donate to the […] Read more »

Neighbors Respond to CVS Proposal

To the Editor: The proposed CVS development for Mattapoisett is not a positive step for our community. A 13,000 square foot building would dominate the Route 6 corridor and change the aesthetic of Mattapoisett forever. In addition, there are 10 retail pharmacy outlets available in the area. This level saturation begs the question of what […] Read more »

ORR Rolls out the Red Carpet

The seniors and some underclassmen of Old Rochester Regional High School gathered in the auditorium on Thursday, December 1 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm for the school’s second annual Senior Superlatives Gala. Tickets to the event cost $5, serving as a fundraiser for the Old Rochester Regional Athletic Booster Club. The event was designed in […] Read more »

Ready for Winter Season

The fall sports have all finished up their respective seasons, and now coaches and athletes look forward to the upcoming winter months and more athletics. Yes, preseason has begun. Last season, the girls Winter Track team captured both the SCC title and the State title. The Basketball teams also did very well, as did Hockey, […] Read more »

Center School Clock Removed for Restoration

The 1898 Seth Thomas clock at the Center School is one step closer to ringing in Mattapoisett village again. The clock mechanism was removed from the clock tower on Thursday, December 1, by clock specialist Balzer Family Clockworks, of Freeport, ME. Balzer removed the clock face hands and the weight-driven pendulum section from the clock […] Read more »

RMS Budget Discussions Continue

The Rochester Memorial School budget subcommittee is meeting regularly to figure out how to handle unanticipated expenses and state reimbursement cuts that are putting a strain on the school budget. At the RMS School Committee’s December 1 meeting, the committee said that the budget – which currently is frozen except for emergency expenses – has […] Read more »

Rochester Water Bill Makes Progress

Earlier this year, State Representative William Straus promised to take Rochester Board of Selectmen’s assertion that New Bedford is unfairly profiting from the Assawompset/Quittacas Pond Complex – which in part encompasses Rochester – to the state House of Representatives. Now a bill (HR-3672) is progressing through the House that will alter a century-old agreement to […] Read more »