The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Soapbox Derby257 viewsNovember 2 was the day of Marion Cub Scout Pack 32’s Annual Soapbox Derby, only this time the pack was joined by Mattapoisett and Rochester Cub Scouts and members of the Saint Gabriel’s Church youth group. Photos by Sandra Frechette
Soapbox Derby257 viewsNovember 2 was the day of Marion Cub Scout Pack 32’s Annual Soapbox Derby, only this time the pack was joined by Mattapoisett and Rochester Cub Scouts and members of the Saint Gabriel’s Church youth group. Photos by Sandra Frechette
Marion Veterans Day257 viewsFollowing the town’s Veterans Day observance, the Marion Council on Aging hosted a lunch for veterans at the Benjamin D. Cushing Community Center. Photos courtesy Robert Pina
Pizza with Santa257 viewsThe Marion Police Brotherhood held its annual Pizza with Santa at the Benjamin D. Cushing Community Center on Sunday, December 8. ‘Chief’ Santa and Mrs. Claus entertained the little ones before enjoying a pizza lunch. The Police Department’s “Fill a Cruiser” toy drive was in full gear as well, with several guests bringing toy donations to benefit children in foster care. Photos by Jean Perry
Pizza with Santa257 viewsThe Marion Police Brotherhood held its annual Pizza with Santa at the Benjamin D. Cushing Community Center on Sunday, December 8. ‘Chief’ Santa and Mrs. Claus entertained the little ones before enjoying a pizza lunch. The Police Department’s “Fill a Cruiser” toy drive was in full gear as well, with several guests bringing toy donations to benefit children in foster care. Photos by Jean Perry
Pizza with Santa257 viewsThe Marion Police Brotherhood held its annual Pizza with Santa at the Benjamin D. Cushing Community Center on Sunday, December 8. ‘Chief’ Santa and Mrs. Claus entertained the little ones before enjoying a pizza lunch. The Police Department’s “Fill a Cruiser” toy drive was in full gear as well, with several guests bringing toy donations to benefit children in foster care. Photos by Jean Perry
Distributive Education Clubs of America257 viewsOld Rochester is proud to welcome DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) to its plethora of extracurricular activities. DECA is a program dedicated to preparing young students for the real world. Specifically, it focuses on a wide variety of business subjects, from management to accounting to tourism. There is something for everyone to do in DECA, and there is something for everyone to get out of DECA. There are over 250,000 members nationwide, and a striking 50 students at Old Rochester.
Health and Wellness Fair257 viewsCenter School held a Health and Wellness Fair on January 23 for families of the students.
2020 Rochester Memorial Day Boat Race 257 viewsThe 2020 Rochester Memorial Day Boat Race was business as usual, mostly, featuring 40 two-rower teams participating. Photo by Ryan Feeney
Weekend Fun257 viewsMany of our readers shared what they were up to this weekend. Share your moments with our Facebook Group.
Weekend Fun257 viewsMany of our readers shared what they were up to this weekend. Share your moments with our Facebook Group.
The Rain Forest256 viewsSippican School got wild on February 7, 2011 when Mike Kohlrieser and his wildlife friends visited the school for a special performance, The Rain Forest. Photos by Felix Perez.
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