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Mr. T!171 viewsStudents chanted “Mr. T!” to Mr. Tavares on the roof as they left school June 18. Kevin Tavares, associate principal, challenged the kids to raise 481 canned goods to top Mr. T’s 480 – they collected over 800 instead! Mr. T had to spend the night on the roof of Center School, calling the community out to visit him and bring canned goods so he could match the students’ grand total. Photos by Jean Perry
Mr. T!171 viewsStudents chanted “Mr. T!” to Mr. Tavares on the roof as they left school June 18. Kevin Tavares, associate principal, challenged the kids to raise 481 canned goods to top Mr. T’s 480 – they collected over 800 instead! Mr. T had to spend the night on the roof of Center School, calling the community out to visit him and bring canned goods so he could match the students’ grand total. Photos by Jean Perry
Human Geometry171 viewsAudiences enjoyed the first of two fall drama productions at Tabor Academy last week. Drama teacher Mark Howland wrote and directed “Human Geometry,” which focused on how mathematical concepts can be used to understand human relationships. Audiences can look forward to another fall production, “Bang Bang You’re Dead,” opening Thursday, November 12, at 7:30 pm at the Will Parker Black Box Theatre. The play addresses the serious matter of gun violence in American, particularly in schools. Photos by Colin Veit
Human Geometry171 viewsAudiences enjoyed the first of two fall drama productions at Tabor Academy last week. Drama teacher Mark Howland wrote and directed “Human Geometry,” which focused on how mathematical concepts can be used to understand human relationships. Audiences can look forward to another fall production, “Bang Bang You’re Dead,” opening Thursday, November 12, at 7:30 pm at the Will Parker Black Box Theatre. The play addresses the serious matter of gun violence in American, particularly in schools. Photos by Colin Veit
A Midsummer Night’s Dream171 viewsThe ORR High School Drama Club performed its fall production of Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” over the weekend. The show opened on November 19 and ran until November 22. Drama teacher Paul Sardinha directed the play, and Helen Blake created the costumes. Photos by Colin Veitch
RMS Art171 viewsRochester Memorial School students exhibited their fine works of art of all types of every medium on Thursday, May 26, at the annual RMS Art Show. Photos by Jean Perry
RMS Concert171 viewsOn June 10, RMS hosted the 23rd annual concert, a partnership between elementary and middle schools in Martha’s Vineyard and Rochester Memorial. The concert band contained 150 musicians. RMS veteran music instructor Christine Williamson, along with instructors from the MV schools, conducted eight musical scores to the delight of fellow students, teachers, and family. Photos by Marilou Newell
Band Blast171 viewsThe masses swarmed to the front lawn of Sippican School to attend the 15th Annual Band Blast fundraiser for the schools music programs. Dollars raised pay for Music Festival fees and transportation, equipment purchase, repair and replacement, reed purchase and scholarship funds. The band members are the hosts, and our generous band families make it a success. Photos by Collin Vietch
Vocabulary Day Parade171 viewsA living, breathing, (and giggling) dictionary of vocabulary words displayed their intellect and imagination at Rochester Memorial School during its first annual Vocabulary Day Parade on April 4. Photo by Jean Perry
ORR Homecoming Week171 viewsHomecoming week always brings along the Friday afternoon pep rally at ORR High School when groups of students from each grade perform a skit, competing against each other for the top spot. Here, a senior performs in a skit based on the animated film Mulan. Photo by Colin Veitch
Asian Market171 viewsRMS sixth-grade students of Danni Kleiman and James Sullivan participated in the school’s very first “Asian Market” on Friday, December 9, as a way to learn about bartering and commerce. Students representing a host of different countries set up their stands to sell goods such as oil, cotton, sugar, produce, and livestock. Photos by Jean Perry
Tabor presents “Grease”171 viewsDon’t miss Tabor Academy’s 2017 musical “Grease” on Thursday, February 16 through Saturday, February 18 starring Lucy Saltonstall as Sandy Dumbroski and Connor Cook as Danny Zuko. The show starts at 7:30 pm in the Fireman Center for the Performing Arts at Hoyt Hall and is free to the public. Photos by Felix Perez
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