The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Buzzards Bay Musicfest211 viewsThis week was the Buzzards Bay Musicfest in Marion, held at the Fireman Center for the Performing Arts at Tabor Academy. The free event brings together musicians from all across the globe for the five-day concert series. During Friday night’s chamber music performance, harp principal Rita Costanzi, the former Principal Harp of the Vancouver Symphony and CBC Radio Orchestra, received a standing ovation for her extraordinary performance. Photo by Jean PerryJul 20, 2016
Buzzards Bay Musicfest217 viewsThis week was the Buzzards Bay Musicfest in Marion, held at the Fireman Center for the Performing Arts at Tabor Academy. The free event brings together musicians from all across the globe for the five-day concert series. During Friday night’s chamber music performance, harp principal Rita Costanzi, the former Principal Harp of the Vancouver Symphony and CBC Radio Orchestra, received a standing ovation for her extraordinary performance. Photo by Jean PerryJul 20, 2016
Mattapoisett Library Volunteer Recognition Reception203 viewsThe Mattapoisett Library held its annual Volunteer Recognition Reception on July 13. Library Director Susan Pizzolato and staff recognized the importance of the 125 volunteer corps that aids in everything from putting books back on shelves to helping high school students write letters to caring for the library’s live animals to aiding in preparing resumes for college applications. Pizzolato said, “The staff couldn’t deliver the level of service they do without our volunteers. Jul 20, 2016
Friends of the Mattapoisett Library184 viewsThe Friends of the Mattapoisett Library held its annual book sale during the Harbor Days week. The Aardvark popped in on Thursday, July 14, to buy some books and pass out squeaky aardvarks to the kids. Photos by Jean PerryJul 20, 2016
Friends of the Mattapoisett Library181 viewsThe Friends of the Mattapoisett Library held its annual book sale during the Harbor Days week. The Aardvark popped in on Thursday, July 14, to buy some books and pass out squeaky aardvarks to the kids. Photos by Jean PerryJul 20, 2016
Friends of the Mattapoisett Library181 viewsThe Friends of the Mattapoisett Library held its annual book sale during the Harbor Days week. The Aardvark popped in on Thursday, July 14, to buy some books and pass out squeaky aardvarks to the kids. Photos by Jean PerryJul 20, 2016
Friends of the Mattapoisett Library187 viewsThe Friends of the Mattapoisett Library held its annual book sale during the Harbor Days week. The Aardvark popped in on Thursday, July 14, to buy some books and pass out squeaky aardvarks to the kids. Photos by Jean PerryJul 20, 2016
Friends of the Mattapoisett Library188 viewsThe Friends of the Mattapoisett Library held its annual book sale during the Harbor Days week. The Aardvark popped in on Thursday, July 14, to buy some books and pass out squeaky aardvarks to the kids. Photos by Jean PerryJul 20, 2016
Mariner Youth Soccer196 viewsMariner Youth Soccer is pleased to announce the winners of its first annual scholarship program. Scholarships were awarded to Elexus Afonso and Kyle Rood from Rochester, Samantha Kirkham and Serena Jaskolka from Mattapoisett, and Hannah Dawicki from Fairhaven. We wish these student athletes who played at Mariner the best of luck in their future endeavors. Photo submitted by Angela DawickiJul 20, 2016
Lemonade193 viewsIn 1988, Kathleen Renzi and Roni King, wives of Lions Club members, wanted to help the organization, but women weren’t allowed to be members. The two decided to sell lemonade during community events, giving a portion of the proceeds to the Lions Club and other charitable organizations. For decades they sold lemonade at Harbor Days. In more recent years, their wooden stirring spoon has been passed down to their daughters Catherine Renzi and Kathy King. Jul 20, 2016
Ned's Point191 viewsEarly morning kayak trip to Ned’s Point. Photo submitted by Faith BallJul 20, 2016
Cairns250 viewsCairns have started cropping up again along the beach at the Nasketucket Bay State Reservation. The stacks of balanced rocks stand in and along the water’s edge, leaving behind the message to all others who pass, “I was here.” Photo by Jean PerryJul 20, 2016
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