The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Seining the Shore218 viewsThe Buzzards Bay Coalition hosted a “Seining the Shore” activity with a couple dozen kids at Silvershell beach on Friday, July 22. The kids practiced tossing the seine net to capture small sea creatures and explore what was caught. Photos by Jean PerryJul 28, 2016
Sippican Lands Trust 198 viewsRuss Cohen, well-known and highly respected expert of wild edible plants, pointed out local vegetation along the trail at Brainard Marsh to a group during the Sippican Lands Trust and Marion Garden Group Edible Foraging Ramble on July 18. Photos by Marilou NewellJul 20, 2016
Sippican Lands Trust 190 viewsRuss Cohen, well-known and highly respected expert of wild edible plants, pointed out local vegetation along the trail at Brainard Marsh to a group during the Sippican Lands Trust and Marion Garden Group Edible Foraging Ramble on July 18. Photos by Marilou NewellJul 20, 2016
Sippican Lands Trust 194 viewsRuss Cohen, well-known and highly respected expert of wild edible plants, pointed out local vegetation along the trail at Brainard Marsh to a group during the Sippican Lands Trust and Marion Garden Group Edible Foraging Ramble on July 18. Photos by Marilou NewellJul 20, 2016
Sippican Lands Trust 202 viewsRuss Cohen, well-known and highly respected expert of wild edible plants, pointed out local vegetation along the trail at Brainard Marsh to a group during the Sippican Lands Trust and Marion Garden Group Edible Foraging Ramble on July 18. Photos by Marilou NewellJul 20, 2016
Sippican Lands Trust 185 viewsRuss Cohen, well-known and highly respected expert of wild edible plants, pointed out local vegetation along the trail at Brainard Marsh to a group during the Sippican Lands Trust and Marion Garden Group Edible Foraging Ramble on July 18. Photos by Marilou NewellJul 20, 2016
Sippican Lands Trust 193 viewsRuss Cohen, well-known and highly respected expert of wild edible plants, pointed out local vegetation along the trail at Brainard Marsh to a group during the Sippican Lands Trust and Marion Garden Group Edible Foraging Ramble on July 18. Photos by Marilou NewellJul 20, 2016
Sippican Lands Trust 193 viewsRuss Cohen, well-known and highly respected expert of wild edible plants, pointed out local vegetation along the trail at Brainard Marsh to a group during the Sippican Lands Trust and Marion Garden Group Edible Foraging Ramble on July 18. Photos by Marilou NewellJul 20, 2016
Buzzards Bay Musicfest237 viewsThis week was the Buzzards Bay Musicfest in Marion, held at the Fireman Center for the Performing Arts at Tabor Academy. The free event brings together musicians from all across the globe for the five-day concert series. During Friday night’s chamber music performance, harp principal Rita Costanzi, the former Principal Harp of the Vancouver Symphony and CBC Radio Orchestra, received a standing ovation for her extraordinary performance. Photo by Jean PerryJul 20, 2016
Buzzards Bay Musicfest231 viewsThis week was the Buzzards Bay Musicfest in Marion, held at the Fireman Center for the Performing Arts at Tabor Academy. The free event brings together musicians from all across the globe for the five-day concert series. During Friday night’s chamber music performance, harp principal Rita Costanzi, the former Principal Harp of the Vancouver Symphony and CBC Radio Orchestra, received a standing ovation for her extraordinary performance. Photo by Jean PerryJul 20, 2016
Buzzards Bay Musicfest218 viewsThis week was the Buzzards Bay Musicfest in Marion, held at the Fireman Center for the Performing Arts at Tabor Academy. The free event brings together musicians from all across the globe for the five-day concert series. During Friday night’s chamber music performance, harp principal Rita Costanzi, the former Principal Harp of the Vancouver Symphony and CBC Radio Orchestra, received a standing ovation for her extraordinary performance. Photo by Jean PerryJul 20, 2016
Buzzards Bay Musicfest216 viewsThis week was the Buzzards Bay Musicfest in Marion, held at the Fireman Center for the Performing Arts at Tabor Academy. The free event brings together musicians from all across the globe for the five-day concert series. During Friday night’s chamber music performance, harp principal Rita Costanzi, the former Principal Harp of the Vancouver Symphony and CBC Radio Orchestra, received a standing ovation for her extraordinary performance. Photo by Jean PerryJul 20, 2016
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